SALIENT POINT: It is the one that is most adaptable to change…

‘It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.’* Whilst there is some doubt as to whether or not this is a quote from Charles Darwin, it has obvious merit and is a salient point when thinking about the f
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SALIENT POINT: Rural areas outperform urban in the race for new housing

The Statistical Digest for Rural England published by DEFRA at the end of April this year highlights some interesting social and economic trends in rural areas. One trend in particular has caught our attention about the rate of house building starts and completions in rural areas comp
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SALIENT POINT: Are traditional town centres even more vulnerable than we think?

We are all familiar with the difficulties faced by retail tenants locked into short and medium term fixed leases, faced with static overheads (at best) and sustained weak demand.  Rents and rates are often simply too much and it is no coincidence that this is one of the most common re
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SALIENT POINT: Who says agriculture is too industrial?

We bumped into an employee taking advantage of the amazing weather by spending some time training a young Suffolk Punch to work on the farm at the Wolterton Estate in Norfolk.  Lower capital and revenue costs, better for the environment, sustaining a traditional breed and farming meth
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NEWS: Our December newsletter is now out!

Our December newsletter is now out now, to read please follow this link. If you would like to sign up to our newsletter please follow this link. News items include: New commissions: Reepham Economic Strategy, Princes Foundation network, East Croyeden Cycle Station, Little Chart Cricke
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SALIENT POINTS: Are we a little afraid of using the word beauty? Octavia Hill wasn’t.

Octavia Hill (1838-1912) Prior to establishing the National Trust, Octavia Hill with her sister set up the Kyrle Society as a “Society for the Diffusion of Beauty”. The society sought to bring beauty in the form of art, music, books and open spaces into the lives of depriv
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SALIENT POINTS: Broads Tourism

Every now and again we stumble across something interesting and so we have started a Salient Points series. We are currently doing some research on the Norfolk Broads and found some interesting data about National Parks; see below:               &nbs
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