NEWS: Successful referendum for Drayton (Norfolk) Neighbourhood Plan

We are delighted to confirm that Drayton (Norfolk) Neighbourhood Plan has successfully gone through the referendum process, with 89% of the vote in favour of the plan. This is fantastic news for Drayton as the Parish Council and community now have basis for delivering community design
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NEWS: Neighbourhood Plan in Drayton reaches important milestone

After nearly 18 months of hard work and consultation, a Forum made up of a range of local community groups has produced a draft version of the Drayton Neighbourhood Plan and would like the community to tell us what you think. The ‘pre-submission consultation’ draft will be available t
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EVENT: IPA to give seminar on Neighbourhood Planning

Ross Ingham was invited by Broadland District Council to give a seminar entitled ‘What can a Neighbourhood Plan achieve for your community?’ at a Neighbourhood Planning workshop. Alongside Ross, seminars were given by: Richard Squires, Community Development & Liasion Officer at Br
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NEWS: Acle Neighbourhood Plan succeeds at referendum

We are delighted to report that the Acle Neighbourhood Plan was the subject of a successful referendum on 8th January 2015.  85% of the ballot voted in favour of approving the plan.  This is the second Neighbourhood Plan we have been involved with to successfully make it through refer
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EVENT: Drayton Neighbourhood Plan public consultation

After a year of hard work, a community group led by Drayton Parish Council has prepared a number of policies for the emerging Neighbourhood Plan. Residents of Drayton are invited to a public consultation event to tell the group whether the the draft policies reflect local views and as
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EVENT: Drayton Neighbourhood Plan consultation

The Drayton Neighbourhood Plan Working Group would like to invite residents of the village and surrounding area to the first in a series of public consultation events on the Drayton Neighbourhood Plan.  In order to try and make it as easy as possible for residents to attend, the progr
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NEWS: IPA appointed to work with Drayton Parish Council to develop their Neighbourhood Plan

We are delighted to have been appointed to help Drayton Parish Council develop a Neighbourhood Plan for the Parish. We will be working alongside Camlin Lonsdale (providing urban design/landscape advice) and Urban Flow (providing transport advice) to develop the baseline research, cons
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