Maison Dieu Project granted £4.27m from National Lottery Heritage Fund

We are thrilled to have helped Dover District Council, Dover Town Council and Dover Society secure £4.27m from the National Lottery Heritage Fund to revive the Maison Dieu in Dover. The full press release can be found here. The £8m project will see the conservation of internationally
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Maison Dieu secures planning permission and Listed Building consent

We are delighted that the Maison Dieu project has taken a step closer to being delivered with the granting of planning permission and listed building consent yesterday. Over the last few years we have been working with Dover District Council, Dover Town Council and the Dover Society a
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Dover District Council Partners With The Landmark Trust To Develop Proposals For The Maison Dieu

Dover District Council has teamed up with the Landmark Trust to develop proposals for self-catering holiday accommodation in the former Mayor’s Parlour at the Maison Dieu.  The Trust will work with the Council and partners to develop more detailed proposals as part of the second round
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Dover’s Historic Maison Dieu Wins National Lottery Support

We are absolutely delighted to confirm that the Maison Dieu, Dover has been awarded a first round pass from the Heritage Lottery Fund for a £4.7m bid to restore the Grade I Listed Building and reinstate the fantastic William Burges interior. Leading a multi-disciplinary team including
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Maison Dieu upgraded to Grade I by DCMS, as extent of William Burges interior is revealed

We are delighted to announce that following our recommendation and subsequent application to Historic England and the Department of Culture, Media and Sport, Dover’s Maison Dieu has been upgraded from Grade II* to Grade I. We have been working with Dover District Council, Dover Town C
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NEWS: Project Launched To Secure Future Of Dover’s Historic Maison Dieu

We are delighted to be leading the consultant team to prepare a major bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund for the restoration of the Maison Dieu, the most significant public building in Dover.  The project is being led by a working group, including Dover District Council, Dover Town Coun
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NEWS: IPA appointed to undertake outline business case for Grade II* listed Maison Dieu, Dover

We are delighted to have been appointed by Dover District Council alongside Rena Pitsilli-Graham Architects and Haverstock Architects to develop an outline business case for the Maison Dieu in Dover. The Maison Dieu (or Dover Town Hall as it is known locally) is a Grade II* Listed Bui
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