EVENT: Dendrochronology workshop, Brackley Town Hall

The Brackley Town Hall project is progressing well and as part of this a number of events and activities are programmed in for this year. The first of which is part of the ‘Uncovering the Secrets of the Interior’ workshops and is focussing on dendrochronology. Oxford Dendrochronology Laboratory will be running the workshop on the 20th July 2016 at 7.30pm at Brackley Town Hall. If you would like to register your interest in attending this free event please contact Sally Munday-Webb via activities@brackleynorthants-tc.gov.uk. The workshop is funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund as part of the wider restoration project.

The dendrochronology report for the Town Hall can be read by following this link: https://brackleyregeneration.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/brackley-town-hall-dendrochronology-report.pdf