We are absolutely delighted that the Loughborough Bellfoundry Trust has been successful in securing a first round bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for £3.7m and to have played a role in securing this funding. To find out more about the project please following this link to the project press release https://www.facebook.com/lborobelltrust/notifications/
We are thrilled to have been working with Loughborough Bellfoundry Trust and its precursor since 2015 advising it on this important journey. Over the last few years our role has been far-reaching but has included:
- Applying for and securing two Urgent Repairs Grants totalling circa £750k, liaising with Historic England
- Supporting the procurement of a multi-disciplinary design team
- Applying and securing; a project viability grant from the Architectural Heritage Fund, a Start Up grant from the HLF and a grant from the Pilgrim Trust to undertake feasibility work
- Supporting the procurement of legal advice relating to the establishment of the Trust and subsequently working alongside lawyers to develop the Trust objects
- Developing an outline option appraisal for the site working closely with the design team
- Acting as project coordinator, organising and chairing Working Group meetings throughout the development of the project
- Helping to secure the support of the Borough Council
- Developing a round one Heritage Enterprise bid including: Developing a Project Management Plan, programmes, an outline Activity Statement, a Funding Strategy, project finances in liaison with the appointed cost consultant, securing letters of support and drafting the application form
- Developing and maintaining the project Facebook page and twitter account
- Undertaking consultation with statutory and non-statutory consultees
- Securing a round one pass from the HLF for £3.7m from the Heritage Enterprise grant programme.