Saturday 12th October, 10am – 2pm, The Bure Room, Acle Recreation Centre
The Acle Neighbourhood Plan Working Group would like to invite residents of Acle and surrounding parishes to the second Acle Neighbourhood Plan consultation event on Saturday 12th October 2013 from 10am until 2pm in the Bure Room, Acle Recreation Centre. The event is informal and designed for you to drop-in throughout the day.
The event is the second in a number of consultation sessions taking place over 2013 on the Acle Neighbourhood Plan. It follows the first event that was held in June which introduced the idea of an Acle Neighbourhood Plan and asked residents to give their views on what was positive and negative about the village and what they would like to see improved.
Since the event in June the Working Group has been analysing statistical information, reviewing existing policy affecting Acle and reviewing the comments made during the consultation event. All of this research has helped to develop some emerging draft policies that could go into a Neighbourhood Plan for Acle.
At this second consultation event the Working Group would like residents to review and comment on the emerging draft policies. The information provided will help the Working Group to refine the policies to ensure they accurately reflect the opinions and needs of the local community. A Neighbourhood Plan for Acle will help shape the future of the village and it is important that it reflects local people’s aims and aspirations so please do come along.
Further information about the event is available from the following sources:
- Email: Pauline James, Acle Parish Council ( or Ross Ingham, Ingham Pinnock Associates (
- Telephone: Pauline James (01493 751070) or Ross Ingham (07827 240 059)
- Newsletter: Sign up to the new Neighbourhood Plan e-newsletter (
- Website: Visit either the Acle Parish Council website ( or the Ingham Pinnock website ( to find out more information on progress and general information on neighbourhood planning
- Notice boards: Notices about events and progress will be posted to the village noticeboards throughout the process.
Editors notes:
Acle Parish Council made an application to Broadland District Council and the Broads Authority to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan, which has now been accepted. The Parish Council has set up the Neighbourhood Plan working group which includes a cross section of community organisations and stakeholders, such as the Acle Society, Acle Recreation Centre, Acle Academy, Acle Youth Club, Norfolk County Council, Broadland District Council and Broads Authority.
Neighbourhood Planning is a new community-led planning initiative that has emerged from the Government’s Localism Bill. It gives local people new rights to help shape the development of the communities they live in. Neighbourhood Plans allow local communities to set out planning policies on the development and use of land in the ‘neighbourhood area’, in Acle’s case the neighbourhood area is likely to be the civil parish. Any policies included within the Neighbourhood Plan will need to conform to strategic planning policies and guidance at the local, national and european level. They will also need to demonstrate support from the local community. Once adopted a Neighbourhood Plan becomes a statutory planning document which means that it is material consideration in determining any planning application within its boundaries.
Acle Parish Council has chosen to progress a Neighbourhood Plan following on from the work on the Village Economic Masterplan which is currently being finalised. The Village Economic Masterplan, which focussed on developing projects to help support and enhance the local economy, proposed a number of projects that would benefit from being included within a Neighbourhood Plan. By including these projects in a Neighbourhood Plan it will make them easier to deliver, as they have the support of a statutory planning document and a stronger chance of attracting funding.
Acle Parish Council is working with Ingham Pinnock Associates to prepare the plan. Ingham Pinnock Associates will provide support and guidance on technical aspects of the process.