NEWS: RTPI, Reviving Historic Town Centres CPD day

Building on previous CPD sessions we have given alongside the RTPI East of England, we have been invited to take part in the Reviving Historic Town Centres conference on Friday 17th May 2013, Bury St Edmunds. We are delighted to be contributing to this day, where a variety of issues r
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NEWS: More funding for Neighbourhood Plans

The Government annouced yesterday that it is making available more funding for Neighbourhood Plans. Below is an extract from the press release on the Planning Portal: ‘The Government has announced further funding to help communities get involved in the new neighbourhood planning
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NEWS: Federation of Small Businesses – IPA sharing thoughts on Christmas events and the impact on town centres

We were invited by the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) last week to share our thoughts on the importance of Christmas themed events to the economy of towns. The FSB are producing a film on the matter and Ross was interviewed giving his thoughts. The FSB spent the day in Aylsham,
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EVENT: Aylsham Frost Fayre

We are delighted to provide further details on Aylsham’s Frost Fayre held on Thursday 29th November until  Saturday 1st December. For further information please see the below or click here to download a copy of the brochure for the event. Skating fans will have the chance to tak
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ARTICLE: Is the local voice going hoarse?

Kate Pinnock discusses in Public Finance the effect of the Localism act on local communities a year on from its launch. To read the whole article click here or see below.   With the Localism Act approaching its first anniversary there are already signs that grassroots enthusiasm
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NEWS: Eric Pickles makes it easier to set up new Town and Parish Councils

Eric Pickles outlines proposals to make it easier to set up new Town and Parish Councils as part of the Governments drive to hand back power to local communities. Have a look at the following pages for further information or indeed provide comment in the consultation:   http://ww
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NEWS: Big Lottery Village SOS Fund

The deadline for the Big Lottery Village SOS Fund of 12th September is fast approaching.  Bids from community groups in villages with a population under 3000 for funding of between £10k and £15k are invited.  This is a rare and significant fund that can support social and economic dev
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