Taylor’s Bell Foundry Restoration

Client: John Taylor & Co
Location: Loughborough, Leicestershire
Date: 2015 – ongoing

We are appointed by John Taylor & Co to support the comprehensive restoration of their spectacular bellfoundry site in Loughborough.

Taylor’s is the only purpose built bellfoundry in the UK and the only purpose built Victorian bellfoundry in the world.  It was built in 1859 and is one of only two remaining bellfoundries in the country (the other being Whitechapel, London which is due to close in 2017).  The site is Grade II* Listed and has been on the Historic England Heritage At Risk register since 2010 and is in urgent need of repair.

Taylors cast, tune and finish bells that are sold to the UK market and exported around the globe. Alongside this, they produce all of the associated parts and mechanisms required for bells such as the frames, headstocks and wheels as well as hand-bells, carillons and bell ropes. The company installs new bells, services historic bells and undertakes related consultancy services.

To date we have worked with Taylors to raise funds, establish a new Trust to hold the property and we have overseen a programme of urgent repairs funded by Historic England.

During 2017 we are working with the Taylors team to develop a robust proposal for the comprehensive restoration of the site that can secure the long-term future of this internationally significant asset.  We will be striving to secure the buildings, improve manufacturing efficiency, increase public engagement and create a positive legacy for every aspect of art of bell making and ringing.

Specific services and outputs:

  • Project coordination
  • Fund-raising and management
  • Procurement of professional services
  • Options development and appraisal
  • Consultation and engagement
  • Business planning
  • Outline Activity Plan development
  • Preparing a major application to the HLF

Links to key sites of relevance: